One thing that I didn't know before this thread is that CODE applied to any Greek character returns 63, so you can make use of this to count how many characters give a code outside this value (the space character returns 32, and you have one of these in each name). Put this array* formula in cell D1 (for example):
=IF(SUM(IF(CODE(MID(A1,ROW(INDIRECT("$1:"&LEN(A1))),1))<>63,1))>=2,"Too many Latins","")
then copy it down. You might want to adjust the >=2 if you have more than a single space. If you just use this array* formula:
then it will count how many latin characters you have in each cell.
*An array formula needs to be committed using the key combination of Ctrl-Shift-Enter (CSE) instead of the usual <Enter>.
Hope this helps.
EDIT: Sorry, forgot to attach the sample file: