Hi all,
Apologies if this has been covered elsewhere, I've had a good look through and can't find anything quite specific enough.
I'm trying to get something like - If a cell contains certain text AND certain text then display set text OR If a cell contain certain text AND certain text then display set text.
For example:
Vauxhall Corsa 1.5Litre Petrol = vauxhall corsa petrol
Vauxhall Corsa 1.5Litre Deisel = vauxhall corsa Deisel
Vauxhall Nova 1 litre Petrol = vauxhall nova petrol
So it the formula is effectively searching for the car type and the fuel type and then returning the relevant set text. So far I'ver only been able to find IF functions criteria to identify one feature of the text.
I'm thinking it's got to be variation on =IF(ISNUMBER(FIND("Vauxhall Corsa",A1)),"Vauxhall Corsa Petrol") but there should be something else in there like =IF(ISNUMBER(FIND("Vauxhall Corsa"&"Petrol",A1)),"Vauxhall Corsa Petrol")
I know this is wrong but just trying illustrate my thinking. I need it to pick up vauxhall corsa AND petrol. I understand that I would have to stick a lot of IF functions together in a string, but that is fine as long as I can ask it to pick certain text AND certain text within a cell.
Any ideas?