First part (for now)... Excel can't process more than 255 characters in a formula. There you have to tell it to only look at the first 255 characters or it errors out.
To make matters worse, when comparing, you can't use a standard formula, but rather an array formula because now each time you compare you have to only look at the first 255 characters in a cell. The new formula looks like this:
entered as Ctrl + Shift + Enter, not just Enter. If you do this correctly then you will get curly brackets around your formula indicating it's an array formula.
Warning... array formulas take more time to process and so if you have a lot of them then the workbook can become very slow.
Second part... you will need to go fuzzy. Alan has a great piece of code for a user-defined fuzzy formula. Google his name and fuzzy formula and Excel and it should come up. It's in
Good luck.