
First, thank you in advance for your assistance. I've got two columns with over 3500 entries and would like to compare the text strings in Column 1 with Column 2 for an exact match. If there's an exact match, I'd like to return the values found in Columns 3 and 4 into new Columns 5 and 6. I believe I can do this using the match and index functions. With my actual data, I may also need to use wildcards since the data contains multiple sentences in the cell.
I'd appreciate it if someone can assist with this. Thank you!

Example below:

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
cat orange red sky
dog doggie blue cloud
tiger kangaroo green sun
elephant cow orange moon
mouse cat one star
apple lion two rain
pear tiger three thunder
orange dog four snow

The first entry in new columns 5 and 6 should return "one" and "star" respectively.