A1 is a number: 5
A2 is a number: 6
A3 is a formula: A1+A2 (shows 11)

B1 is a number: 2
B2 is a number: 3
I want B3 to sum as A3 does.

If I copy A1:A3 and Paste Special "formulas only" into Column B then I get the desired formula in B3 but cells B1 & B2 are overwritten with the values of A1 & A2.

I have a P&L spreadsheet with over 1,000 rows. There are numbers in most cells but at the end of each category, the numbers are summed. I've gone through the rows in column 1 skipping over numbers and autosum each category. I don't want to have to do this for every column. Thanks