Dear All,

I am using the formule to concat 2 cells with the 2 nd to be in braces

=CONCATENATE(C29," (", C39, " )")

My first cells(c29) contains revenue in Gbp and after concat it is not showing the Symbol($).
My C29 has revenue in decimal system. But after concat the 2 decimals are not seen.Few come with no decimas, few with 1 decimal and others with 2 decimals ...please help me to get all with out having decimals.

ex: After Concat:

0 (0 ) 0 (0 ) 0 (0 ) 248 (1 )
14720 (55 ) 715.1 (60 ) 24264.1 (87 ) 54309 (244 )
49505.25 (216 ) 73349.44 (337 ) 112547.74 (364 ) 154332.42 (511 )

Please help to get all data to be in 0 decimas.
