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need some help combining some formulas

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  1. #1
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    need some help combining some formulas

    happy Easter everyone.

    I have a spreadsheet that I use column A-D for weight and dimensions, and that decides column E and F. But the only way I could do it was to use another column, column K to accomplish what I need. I would like to combine the formula so that I can eliminate column K. I will upload the sheet so you can see what is going on. I thank you for any help you can give me. I am new to excel, but I am learning. the hard part for me is combining formulas. thank you so much for the help.

    shipping combine.xlsx

  2. #2
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    Re: need some help combining some formulas

    The function in E2 would read
    =VLOOKUP(IF(OR(B2>36,C2>36,D2>36), "Large", IF(AND(A2<=2,B2<=12,C2<=12,D2<=12),"Y", "N")),Data!A:B,2,FALSE)

    The function in F2 would read
    =IF(IF(OR(B2>36,C2>36,D2>36), "Large", IF(AND(A2<=2,B2<=12,C2<=12,D2<=12),"Y", "N"))<>"Y","0.00",IF(A2>1, "10.00","8.00") )

    Then paste them down through the table and delete column K...
    Elegant Simplicity............. Not Always

  3. #3
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    Re: need some help combining some formulas

    thank you sooo much. how do you learn so much about arranging formulas? I want to learn so bad!!!

  4. #4
    Valued Forum Contributor
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    Re: need some help combining some formulas

    1. You copy the function in the K2 cell from the formula bar (text only)
    2. Switch to the function in column E... Wherever the E column function refers to K2 , highlight the K2 in the formula bar and press CTRL-V

    It's easy to do but you end up with nightmare functions that you can't even decode yourself

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