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2 criterias to organize data by VLookup

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    Question 2 criterias to organize data by VLookup


    I have a sheet with the following fields:

    Date | Company | Price | Item

    So I will input data on it, like this:

    03/28/2013 - Acme - 1.000 - Jetta

    and so on. Different company names (but its fixed on 6 or 7). Itens can be a lot.

    So I want to make a graph that will show me the evolution of the prices for each company.

    So I need to organize all these registers with 2 conditions: get price that have same company, on this month for this item. So I can compare same item with same item, same month with same month.

    I don't know how to do that. The formula I know is for 1 criteria. This is 2 criterias.
    Last edited by douglascaixeta; 03-31-2013 at 12:05 AM.

  2. #2
    Forum Contributor Mayda89's Avatar
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    Re: 2 criterias to organize data by VLookup

    Hi douglascaixeta,

    To work with 2 criteria, you should use Index and Match functions together, instead of using vlookup.

    Upload a sample workbook, and I'll write a sample formula for you.


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    Re: 2 criterias to organize data by VLookup

    Thank you very much Mayda89.

    Here is the file: Data.xlsx

    I would like to learn to make a graph:

    - Showing how prices of each company change per month.
    - Showing how prices of each item change per month.

  4. #4
    Forum Contributor Mayda89's Avatar
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    Re: 2 criterias to organize data by VLookup

    Hi douglascaixeta,

    I just looked at the workbook you uploaded, and noticed that in this workbook, a date occurs only once.
    From what you have explained, however, I understand that a date should occur more than once.

    Please upload a sample workbook that better reflects your original workbook, this and other aspects you consider important.
    Otherwise, the formulas I'll write won't work in your original workbook.


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    Re: 2 criterias to organize data by VLookup

    Yes, it does occur several times the same date. Data.xlsx

    I did like this because I wanted to test with several different months.

  6. #6
    Forum Contributor Mayda89's Avatar
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    Re: 2 criterias to organize data by VLookup

    Sorry, you're right, I missed them

    Anyway, since there are too many variables, and you have all of your data organized this way(every company and every car is on the same table), the solution is a little bit complicated. I had to follow several steps to do it, and these steps maybe may scare you, however, with the data organized this way, I don't see any other solution. (p.s: if following these steps is too hard for you, you could also prefer to write a vba code for these steps.)

    See the uploaded workbook.
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  7. #7
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    Re: 2 criterias to organize data by VLookup


    Thank you. I understand what you did. Wise solution.

    The problem is that the graph have so many lines that is impossible to see anything. I actually was thinking about 2 graphs: one for company prices evolution, in general and other for item prices evolution. The items will be a lot more than the one you see.

    I do not have any data actually. So based on these 2 criteria, you can tell me what is the best way for me to start storing the data:

    - Evolution of prices of each company.
    - Evolution of prices of each item.

    The problem for me is: as I cannot quote all items in all companies (some companies do not have that item) its hard to compare the overall prices of each company. It will be like deep statistics. I dont even know if its possible.

  8. #8
    Forum Contributor Mayda89's Avatar
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    Re: 2 criterias to organize data by VLookup

    I'm glad that you like it
    So looks like I don't need to explain each step.

    Anyway, let's go back to your next question:
    You said you want two graphs, one tracking the aggregate company prices (one series for each company I suppose) and one tracking the item prices (one series for each item I suppose). How do you want to aggregate these prices? By taking the simple average? Or some sort of weighted average, perhaps using the monthly units of sales etc ?


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    Re: 2 criterias to organize data by VLookup


    I cannot use average prices for each company. Because I will be comparing prices of different items. For example: I quote very expensive item on one company and cheap items in the other company, this way it will look like one company had higher prices than the other, and its not true.

    For the items yes, simple average for each item will do just fine.

    For the companies I don't know. Those are insurance prices. So I cannot compare insurance of a truck with insurance of a small car. I cannot compare insurance price of an imported car with a national car.

    P.S.: Maybe a dispersion graph will be good. So I have each item a small dot, each company a color of that dot. The X axis the price. So I look at the graph and I can see that if the right part of the graph is populated with more greens I know the green company is more expensive.

    P.S.2: Maybe time should go on X and price on Y. Im trying to make that.
    Last edited by douglascaixeta; 03-29-2013 at 02:16 PM.

  10. #10
    Forum Contributor Mayda89's Avatar
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    Re: 2 criterias to organize data by VLookup

    Quote Originally Posted by douglascaixeta View Post

    I cannot use average prices for each company. Because I will be comparing prices of different items. For example: I quote very expensive item on one company and cheap items in the other company, this way it will look like one company had higher prices than the other, and its not true.

    For the items yes, simple average for each item will do just fine.

    For the companies I don't know. Those are insurance prices. So I cannot compare insurance of a truck with insurance of a small car. I cannot compare insurance price of an imported car with a national car.

    P.S.: Maybe a dispersion graph will be good. So I have each item a small dot, each company a color of that dot. The X axis the price. So I look at the graph and I can see that if the right part of the graph is populated with more greens I know the green company is more expensive.

    P.S.2: Maybe time should go on X and price on Y. Im trying to make that.

    I can't make the graph, without knowing how you want it organized.
    So I think first you should make up your mind about it.

    About the alternative you offered at your first p.s: If you want it organized that way, you can't see how things change across time, is it ok for you? If yes, than it's easy to do the graph like that, just tell me.

    About your second p.s: Yes, time can go on x axis, no problem, but again, it doesn't answer the question on how to aggregate company data.

    I think you need to decide on what you need to analyze.
    Come back when you make up your mind, I'll be around to help!


  11. #11
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    Re: 2 criterias to organize data by VLookup

    What I need to analyse is evolution of prices in time. For each item its done. I made the graph.

    For the companies, the P.S. 2 is perfect if possible. I need to know time. But I don't know how to make excel understand the company as color, the item as dot, the X as time and Y as price.
    The data doesn't need to be aggregated. As you have each dot as a new quote floating in the chat according to time and price.

    I made a new one. This one is better because it have more companies for each item, more realistic: Data v3.xlsx

  12. #12
    Forum Contributor Mayda89's Avatar
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    Re: 2 criterias to organize data by VLookup

    Glad that half of it is done!

    About the 2nd graph:
    When you say
    Quote Originally Posted by douglascaixeta View Post
    For the companies, the P.S. 2 is perfect if possible. I need to know time. But I don't know how to make excel understand the company as color, the item as dot, the X as time and Y as price. The data doesn't need to be aggregated. As you have each dot as a new quote floating in the chat according to time and price.
    it looks like you're talking about a "scatter plot" type chart, and you want to ignore model types in this graph.

    I made the graph you asked, see uploaded workbook.

    P.S: If it makes sense to you I'm glad; but I think this graph is even more confusing than the first graph we made. :/

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    Re: 2 criterias to organize data by VLookup

    Thanks. That does look good. But I was expecting to be able to put the cursor over a dot and see which item is. I think the best would be a bar graph and the item is X, the price is Y, each bar is the company. But then there is no time. Then I aggregate per month, and make one graph per month.

    Do you have any idea on how to put 4 variables in one graph ?

  14. #14
    Forum Contributor Mayda89's Avatar
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    Re: 2 criterias to organize data by VLookup

    Quote Originally Posted by douglascaixeta View Post
    Thanks. That does look good. But I was expecting to be able to put the cursor over a dot and see which item is.
    Excel does not have that utility. However, there is free a third party add-in called XY-Chart-Labeler that accomplishes what you want.
    The link is below.

    Quote Originally Posted by douglascaixeta View Post
    Do you have any idea on how to put 4 variables in one graph ?
    Yes, buy a computer that has a 3-dimensional screen

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    Re: 2 criterias to organize data by VLookup

    Thank you.

    I installed the addon but I don't know how to use. I made the setup as said here: http://www.appspro.com/Downloads/XYC...structions.pdf

    But I still have no new field to select the interval of the labels.

    I will try to extract the data I have from a database and apply those graphs. Then I will see if they make sense and if they are helpful.
    What I was thinking is a dispersion graph with balls. Which in excel is called bubbles. So:

    - Colour of the bubble is company.
    - Size of the bubble is price (or even inverted to feature cheaper prices)
    - Y is price
    - X is date
    - Each bubble is a quote

    P.S. Never mind. I got the XY Chart labels to work.
    Last edited by douglascaixeta; 03-29-2013 at 06:43 PM.

  16. #16
    Forum Contributor Mayda89's Avatar
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    Re: 2 criterias to organize data by VLookup

    You're welcome!
    Quote Originally Posted by douglascaixeta View Post
    P.S. Never mind. I got the XY Chart labels to work.
    Does it mean your problem is solved?

  17. #17
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    Re: 2 criterias to organize data by VLookup

    No not done. Not there yet.

    I'm struggling with making an average with 2 criterias. Its exactly this problem: http://www.excelforum.com/excel-gene...a-matched.html
    But it doesnt work for me that solution.

    I want:
    Make average of Value IF Company is X and if Month is Y.

    I made the bubble graph as I told you. Dont know how to make it in excel. This is Google Docs:

    P.S.: I was using the wrong from. It works now.

    Do you mind if I keep this thread open? I got the basic concept and I will start applying this, but if I have some problem I want you to help me because you already know everything, and if I create a new thread I will need to re-explain everything.
    Last edited by douglascaixeta; 03-29-2013 at 08:58 PM.

  18. #18
    Forum Contributor Mayda89's Avatar
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    Re: 2 criterias to organize data by VLookup

    See uploaded workbook.

    P.S: For some companies, you may get an error, because in your list not every company has every product.
    You can use the iferror function to deal with it.
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    Re: 2 criterias to organize data by VLookup

    Yes thanks!

    Problem now is how to make a graph that gets: Company, Average value I just got and Time.
    For me that would be a line graph, where the Y is price, X is time and company is colour of each line. Even that seems too difficult. Excel should be more smart, or Im too dumb?

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    Re: 2 criterias to organize data by VLookup

    Done with a table. Very annoying. I will have to learn how to deal with pivot tables, like you did in the first solution.

  21. #21
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    Re: 2 criterias to organize data by VLookup

    Quote Originally Posted by douglascaixeta View Post
    Done with a table. Very annoying. I will have to learn how to deal with pivot tables, like you did in the first solution.
    Yes, pivot-table is an AMAZING tool! I have also discovered it recently, it is really a lifesaver!
    Anyway, does it mean that your whole problem with the chart, that you described in the previous post is solved?

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    Re: 2 criterias to organize data by VLookup

    Not yet. My only problem now is to create that bubble chart I showed you, but in Excel. I created everything, but I cannot make the bubble have different colour according to the company.

    As you see here: Data v4.xlsx

    - X: Time
    - Y: Value
    - Bubble: Item
    - Size of bubble: Value
    - Color of bubble: company

  23. #23
    Forum Contributor Mayda89's Avatar
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    Re: 2 criterias to organize data by VLookup

    Quote Originally Posted by douglascaixeta View Post
    - X: Time
    - Y: Value
    - Bubble: Item
    - Size of bubble: Value
    - Color of bubble: company
    Again, you are trying to assign value to both Y, and Size of Bubble.
    And you say "Bubble: Item." Bubble is not a parameter that you can assign values to.

    You may try to assign Item to Y axis, and value to size of bubble.
    But then, you'll have the problem that since item is a string (text) value, excel won't allow you to make an axis out of it.
    You can try to assign a number to represent each item, if the graph would then make sense to you.
    I have done this, in the attached workbook.

    However, as I said before, I think this kind of a complicated graph will not make any sense to the user, because you're trying to control for too many things in one chart. The right thing to do would be splitting variables of interest to different charts.

    P.S Note that I have also done a scatter plot, which does not account for the variable: item. You can also do other charts, looking at other variables; it all depends on what you want to analyze.
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    Last edited by Mayda89; 03-29-2013 at 10:40 PM.

  24. #24
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    Re: 2 criterias to organize data by VLookup

    They do make sense to me, and Im the user of it.

    I used your last graph, the one that identifies the company as circle, square, triangle, and just turned into bubble graph, and reduced the bubble size to 10. Bubble size doesn't matter as Y already shows the value.
    Excel doesn't choose bubble size according to the serie. Its a number. 100 is too large, my values go up to 5000. Excel is not so smart as Google.
    The solution is to make a relative number based on value, but I won't do that, because the bubble size doesn't matter that much.

    So this is all I guess. Thank you very much for all the help. I have now a great idea of the graph I need and how I have to organize the registers.

    One last question: Is there an easier way to create the bubble graph ? The way I'm doing it, I need to select serie by serie. The data of each company separated. With 500 registers that will be a huge problem.

  25. #25
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    Re: 2 criterias to organize data by VLookup

    Quote Originally Posted by douglascaixeta View Post
    I used your last graph, the one that identifies the company as circle, square, triangle, and just turned into bubble graph, and reduced the bubble size to 10. Bubble size doesn't matter as Y already shows the value.
    If you have done this, it means bubble size is set to the same value for all items; and hence, it means you are not using the variable "item" in your graph, hence; it means you have reduced the number of variables to three, as I have suggested in the first place.

    Quote Originally Posted by douglascaixeta View Post
    One last question: Is there an easier way to create the bubble graph ? The way I'm doing it, I need to select serie by serie. The data of each company separated. With 500 registers that will be a huge problem.
    Since you want to organize the graph this way, you need to select the data range for each series individually.
    However, if updating the chart range manually everyday is a trouble that you want to eliminate, you can use "dynamic named ranges" .
    See the following link:

    P.S: To use the "dynamic named ranges" as described in the link, you should reorganize your data, such data each company data is on a different column.
    You'll understand what I'm talking about when you read it.
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    Re: 2 criterias to organize data by VLookup

    Thanks. I see what you meant. Don't know what will be the choice with less work yet.

    I'm having now the following problem: http://www.excelforum.com/excel-form...07#post3179207
    I don't want to continue being so off-topic, so I created this new topic.

    Thank you again. Problem solved here.

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