I am making a Workout log spreadsheet (attached). On my front page, I have the maximum weight lifted for an exercise which was found using a LARGE function with an array from another sheet that lists the workout results by day. I would like to find the largest weight lifted in that array, and display the value of the cell directly to the left (which contains the repetitions of the weight lifted). HOWEVER, that weight may have been lifted many times on different days, so, I would like to display the largest result. (For example, if someone lifts 250 pounds 10 times on monday, 15 times on wednesday, and 25 times on friday, then it would display "25" because it is the largest value of any cell that is directly to the left of a cell containing "250"). I have attached my spreadsheet for reference.
The Cell with the LARGEST weight is displayed in the bar under "BEST PERFORMANCES", and the cell that should display the largest Repetition found should be directly below it.PIKE Fit Club Exercise Log.xlsx