My apologies! I did not see the attachment icon. I am new and still trying to figure this out. I've attached a sample workbook now. Column A includes the data that I have, and Columns B and D is what I am trying to get through an equation or macro. I manually entered each cell in Columns B and D in the sample workbook, but I need a way to automate this process since I have about 46 workbooks with dates from January-December.

The context behind this data: I am working on a traffic study for a US Interstate Highway. We were given hourly counts of vehicles for various sites along this highway for 24 hours for the entire year of 2012. However, we are missing information for various dates of the year. Sometimes it is a range of dates, others it is a single day. But what I would like to do is separate the missing dates into a range so I can have a more condensed list for me to give to the data collectors. This way they know what range of dates they need to send us data for.

Sample Workbook.xlsx