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Dynamic table in a different sheet from multiple tables in other sheet

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  1. #1
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    Dynamic table in a different sheet from multiple tables in other sheet


    I have attached a well worked example.

    I am trying to compile the results of many tables (only 3 in the example) from 3 different fish supply companies (3 separate work sheets) and compile these into 1 table in another sheet. Each of the sources tables are 35 rows deep and have a PO (Purchase Order) against each row. The row for each PO which extends horizontally by month date, may or may not contain a characteristic (eg ADV, PAC, FAC). Characteristics for PO No's will be entered into the table not in any particular order. Therefore the characteristics may be distributed across different PO's for each of the different fish suppliers.

    Each of the supplier tables is 35 rows deep.

    The Result Data for populated PO's in the different supplier tables (different sheets) need to be aggregated in the table in Result Data. If there is no data in the row for a particular PO for a particular Fish Supplier, then that PO is NOT included in the Result Data table. Therefore the maximum depth of the table might be 3x35, or the minimum being zero (0). For each row that is returned, the relevant descriptors (Supplier, Payment, etc) from column D-H are returned.

    The PO numbers contained in each of the supplier tables may not be entered from lowest to highest. Some PO's might in fact be entered in an alpha-numeric code. And in some instances the descriptors in Column D-H might be blank (except PO) in which case a blank needs to be returned into Result Data.

    Note - this is an example. There are in fact more suppliers than three so I will need to be able to add tables (i.,e new sheets) and make the compiled Data Result bigger.

    If anyone can crack this for me, I will bestow legend status on you))))

    Thanks in advance

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  2. #2
    Forum Expert dredwolf's Avatar
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    Re: Dynamic table in a different sheet from multiple tables in other sheet

    This may take a bit, so hope your not in a rush

    deleted..opened wrong workbook...sorry
    Last edited by dredwolf; 03-21-2013 at 05:48 AM.
    A picture may be worth a thousand words, BUT, a sample Workbook is worth a thousand screenshots!
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  3. #3
    Forum Expert dredwolf's Avatar
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    Re: Dynamic table in a different sheet from multiple tables in other sheet

    So, the PO#'s are unique to each supplier?...I noticed they exist in each sheet, but it seems only that supplier uses that PO#

  4. #4
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    Re: Dynamic table in a different sheet from multiple tables in other sheet

    Dear Dredwolf

    The PO's are unique to each supplier. They just look as if they are same as typically PO's are issues 1,2,3 etc for each vendor. I would think of the PO as a unique identifier across all vendors. If I were to come up with an estimate for what a PO might be, I might give it a temporary name "EstShark_Small". That is why in the compiled table, there always needs to be the Vendor associated with the PO (along with the other descriptors).

    Is that clear?

    Thanks for help.


  5. #5
    Forum Expert dredwolf's Avatar
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    Re: Dynamic table in a different sheet from multiple tables in other sheet

    For excel looking at them (except as adding something to them ) they ARE the same...if I click on H2 in 'Source Table Catfish' or H2 in 'Source Table CrabCo', I get the same value, so something has to separate the PO's from each other, otherwise, your consolidation sheet is just going to be a mess...what I'm trying to get at is IF one company has PO/Ref PO1, will ANY othere compapany be using that same Identifier?

  6. #6
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    Re: Dynamic table in a different sheet from multiple tables in other sheet

    Hello Dredwolf

    It is very likely (certain) that PO1 will be issued to different fish vendors. In some instances there will be some odd looking identifiers, which will certainly be unique. The thing that distinguishes one PO1 from another PO1 would be the fish vendor. Therefore, at least Column-D and Column-H needs to be compiled and preferably the other columns between Col D-H also. It is the horizontal Array (Column I-CB) for each compiled PO that needs to be returned along with its identifiers (Column D-H).

    Is that clear?


  7. #7
    Forum Expert dredwolf's Avatar
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    Re: Dynamic table in a different sheet from multiple tables in other sheet

    I believe this is going to take extensive modification to your workbook, all the array formulas I have tried break on the possibility of the same PO number being assigned to another company at the same time,there needs to be someway to separate them (hence the array formulas), you might be better off creating tables, then a 'Super table using the other sheets as the source....just throwing out Ideas here...

  8. #8
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    Re: Dynamic table in a different sheet from multiple tables in other sheet

    That is a good idea. Thanks very much for trying. It sounds like a Bridge To Far!

  9. #9
    Forum Expert dredwolf's Avatar
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    Re: Dynamic table in a different sheet from multiple tables in other sheet

    I don't think it is impossible, it's just going to take some time...I haven't given up on it yet, just trying to let you know it is not going to a '1 Minute solution'

  10. #10
    Forum Expert dredwolf's Avatar
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    Re: Dynamic table in a different sheet from multiple tables in other sheet

    Okay, I finally got some time to spend on this, and I think I've come up with a formula solution (at least for the sample)
    I've added 2 attachments which are the same solution, the first works for Excel 2007+, the second for lower than 2007 (not sure how much earlier, but '97-2003 should be fine), BOTH recquire macros enabled
    The first thing I did was add a helper column (column CC) to each of the 'Source Table..' sheets to Identufy which rows contained data, then a helper cell (CD2) to return the number of rows with data
    Then, on the 'Result Data' sheet, I added 5 helper columns (columns CF-CJ)
    Column CF returns ALL the sheet names in the workbook using the Named Formula 'Sheets', which refers to =REPLACE(GET.WORKBOOK(1),1,FIND("]",GET.WORKBOOK(1)),"") (GET.WORKBOOK is a built in macro, for now at least ) (Note - I added some blank sheets to simulate a full workbook)
    Column CG returns the sheet names of the 'Source Table...' sheets
    Column CH returns the same as CG, but with no blanks betweeen
    Column CI returns the company name
    Column CJ returns how many rows have data from the 'Source Table...' sheet (I have added some dummy data into the tables of each sheet to show multiple matched PO's in several sheets)
    Column D returns the company name for as many rows as the 'Source Table...' for that company has data
    Columns E-CB returns the data for the company in column D

    I used CF to create a Line to define the bottom of the table for easy reference

    The Difference between the two attachments:
    In first Attachment (2007 +), I did not use any VBA
    In second Attachment (lower than 2007), I replaced the IFERROR() functions with this VBA UDF:
    Function IfErrorC(Arg1, Arg2)
        If IsError(Arg1) Then
            IfErrorC = Arg2
            IfErrorC = Arg1
        End If
    End Function
    Hope this helps

    EDIT -
    (***NOTE***) These formulas rely on the way the sample is setup, to make it more adaptable would require far more complex formulas
    Last edited by dredwolf; 03-27-2013 at 12:25 AM.

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