I tried to look this up but wasn't able to find a solution on how to do this (or maybe I did and didn't realize I had). I am an Excel novice that for the most part can find what I am looking for with Google searches. Here is some background on what I am trying to accomplish and the point that has me stuck:
I needed to come up with a way to get every combination of 4 columns (16 things in each column). I thought I had it solved perfectly using Microsoft Query since it sorted the combinations in 4 different cells that I could copy and paste into excel. I then realized that the query was stopping at 16,xxx cells each time. I then looked on here and got some VBA code to do the trick but it stores all the combinations into 1 cell......hence my problem.
A1 B1 C1 D1 is taken and thrown into a cell as this A1B1C1D1. So now I have 65,536 cells that I need to break up into 4 cells with all the combinations. Can this be done with a formula or do I need to search for VBA coding (which I know nothing about)?
Thank you in advance for any help. I am not looking to be spoon fed the answer as I just want to be nudged in the right track and I will do the work of looking it up (will probably be back with more questions though).