I am having a bit of a problem in calculating the time-distance results for the following:
In an attempt at figuring out the expected costs for (potential) routine travel, including everything from distance, time (one-way), gas (per gal), MPG, etc., etc., I continue to run into the (simple?) problem of correctly calculating driving time.
A1: Destination: e.g., Nashville, TN
B1: Miles One-way: e.g., 693.4
C1: Trip Count: e.g., 36
D1: Total Miles: e.g., =B1*C1 {24,962.40}
E1: Avg (per gal) Gas Price: e.g., $3.75
F1: Avg MPG: e.g., 26
G1: Annual Totals: e.g., =(D1/F1)*E1 {$3,600.35}
H1: Hrs Travel One-way: e.g., 10:14
I1: Total Hrs: e.g., =H1*C1 {Result=8:24, when the correct answer would be: 365.4}
I have, after reading many related posts, attempted to change formula in about a half-dozen ways, but to no avail.
I cannot believe that this is nothing more than a simple syntax error that I simply cannot put my finger on. Can you help???