2-26-13 thru 3-12-13.xlsx

I need help on improving a timesheet for our payroll department.

We round off our hours to the nearest quarter, 2:07pm would be 2:00pm, and 2:08pm would be rounded to 2:15pm, and I need a formula to do this automatically (INT LOOKUP fx?). Currently the employees have to round the hour themselves, and I would like it so that they can just put the actual time and a formula would adjust it. (I should note that our payroll department dislikes the use of fractions hence the reason for rounding off to quarters)

Is there a way that we can also input the hours without having to write them in 24hr format?

Lastly, we would like to calculate the number of OverTime hours, anything more than 40hours would constitute as overtime, however I don't know what formula to use, as the timesheets vary in terms of how many days were worked in a given pay period. Currently the timesheet incorporates the overtime hours, but does not display the amount of hours constituted as overtime.

Enclosed is a copy of the timesheet for reference.

Thanks in advance for any help!
