I am using Microsoft excel 2010 and I am trying to write a formula to calculate my pay
I get paid between the 24th of each month to the 23rd of the next month.
I subcontract so I could work anywhere in-between those days, i.e. 28/1/13 to 17/2/13 or 17/1/13 to 15/2/13.
What I would like to achieve is to be able to input a start date in column A3 an end date in column B3 have the total days calculated in C3 (this I can do), then in column D3 have the days calculated before the 24th of each month (for that period) and the days including the 24th after that date reflected in column E3.
Is this possible?
If so I would very much appreciate the help with this formula.
Many thanks