I need to copy values to succeeding cells, eg. C1, C2, C3, C4, etc, from a different column from regularly spaced cells, eg. F7, F14, F21, F28, etc. (any interval, say 7).
So, The financial value of F7 prints in C1; F14 prints in C2, and so on. I'm actually using separate worksheets, also, but I know how to transfer data from one worksheet to another worksheet.

I want to find some regular formula so that I can enter it in cell C1 and drag it down the column to save time from having to enter the same formula over and over.
I was hoping for a system that would allow me to enter F7 in C1, then enter "F7+7" in C2 to actually find F14, etc. Obviously, adding to cell addresses does not go to that other cell, just adds 7 to the value of the cell.

How can I do this?
