I am using Excel 2010 and have created a budget. I have created a main BUDGET page with the enire year down one side and all my debts along the top (mortgage, rates etc).
I have also created multiple pages breaking down my budget per category (ie a page for utilites, a page for insurances etc) but each page also has the entire year down the left side and category along the top
NOTE: I have done this so I can track the date and time I make a payment for each debt along with the reference number I can refer back to.
clear as mud?
The question:
I would like to grab all the data from all the category pages and transfer the numbers onto one BUDGET page.
What I am doing is manually entering each formula for each categoy for the each day of the year. See below
- on the "BUDGET" page at cell C-1 I would like to grab the information from the "HOUSE" page at cell C-23 so I used the formula "=IF(House!C$1="","",House!C$23)"
- on the "BUDGET" page at cell C-2 I would like to grab the information from the "HOUSE" page at cell C-24 so I used the formula "=IF(House!C$2="","",House!C$24)"
- and so on
is there a way I can copy the formula all the way down the year without having to copy each cell individually and changing each number by hand? By my calculation I have to copy and change approx 6,570 times. I would prefer not to.
I think I have attached an example. I coded the first couple cells.
any suggestions?