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Staff Scheduler.....can't quite get it right

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Motoxboi26 Staff Scheduler.....can't... 03-08-2013, 07:31 PM
dredwolf Re: Staff Scheduler.....can't... 03-08-2013, 08:09 PM
Motoxboi26 Re: Staff Scheduler.....can't... 03-08-2013, 08:21 PM
dredwolf Re: Staff Scheduler.....can't... 03-08-2013, 08:26 PM
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    Staff Scheduler.....can't quite get it right

    Ok excel gurus I need some help since I've about exhaused the base of what I know how to do/have used from other sheets I have/ and or can figure out for myself.

    I'm trying to update our staff scheduler to be more comprehensive and help with managing labor costs/budget. I finally figured out how to deduct meal periods using a formula from a scheduler that I had at a different company I think it may be a complicated way to get what I want but it works. (If there is an "X" in the K33:K40 range then it will decuct a meal period of either 30min or 1 hour depending on where they are working)If there is a simpler way I would love to hear it.

    Now I am trying to figure out how to make my sheet calculate hours based on shifts assigned ( we schedule using a number system as shift times may fluctuate based on our volumn)

    I need to be able to count each occurence of a shift number, then multiply it by the number of hours in the shift for each week to give me a total number of hours. The schedule is a 2 week schedule but i need each week to calculate separately(easy enough to do transferring the formlua and changing the ranges). I've also been trying to unsuccesfully only calculate if there is a name on the schedule in the name slot

    This is what I was trying to use
    In Cell S7

    Which worked great if there was hours entereed for each shift position. The problem is I am not always able to run every shift all of the time and if any of the J33:J40 range is blank then I get a "#VALUE" error.

    I tried to modify my formula to a SUM(IF(COUTIF($D7:$J7,1)*$J$33>0,0)) ...etc but that didn't work either. So I've reached the end of what I know how to do/ can figure out on my own

    Does anyone have any suggestions, or helpful tips...that will help me accomplish this.

    I have attached the file I've been working with for reference
    Attached Files Attached Files

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