I'm hoping someone out there can help! I am trying to add up the number of times an event occurs over a set time period. For background, the events in question are the number of days that river flow has dropped below a particular level (the compliance flow, denoted by negative numbers in column B which I have simplified into either a 0- flow above compliance flow threshold or 1- flow below compliance).
What I am particularly interested in is how many times flow is non compliant, or is denoted by a '1' (NOT the total number of days flow is non-compliant, but the number of events which occur, so if flow is non-compliant for 1 day- that is an event, as is a time when flow is non-compliant for 6 days; together those just count as 2 events). In addition to that, I would like to know the average length (days) the events are, over either 6,3 or 1 months as well as the longest period of non-compliance (in days). Basically, what I am trying to figure out is how long and how often low flow events occur.
I've been tinkering with this for ages, but can't even get a handle on how to handle non-continuous events, so any help is very much appreciated!
Thank you!
I have attached a file to illustrate how the data is currently arranged.