I have 31 worksheets/tabs for each day of the month and a "Totals" sheet/tab. This is used to track admissions and discharges for an inpatient unit. What I monitor or track on the totals page is where patient's come from, time of day they are admitted and discharged ect. Now they would like me to track how many admits and discharges happen on specific days of the week.
I cannot figure out a formula to do this. Can this even be done? I have a formula on each sheet that has the total number of admits for that day (cell F33) and total number of dischages (cell K33). Also, I have the date in B4 of each sheet (formatted as long date: dddd, mmmm, dd, yyyy).
Is there formula I can put on my "Totals" sheet that would add all F33 cells only when that sheet/tab is a Monday and then do for each other day of the week????
Appreciate any help!