+ We have one Master Project Calendar that is an archive of all projects. I would like to have one Excel file that has the Master Calendar on one sheet with a sheet for each Project Lead (as dictated on the Master Calendar sheet) that will auto populate their specific projects.

+ So I would like to be able to edit the Master Project Calendar, but any changes will be automatically reflected on the particular Project Lead’s sheet.

+ I also would like to be able to enter a DUE DATE (Column D) and have Columns E through L be autopopulated with the dates for each week.

So if the DUE DATE (Column D) was 4/1/13 then:

Column E – 2.4.13
Column F – 2.11.13
Column G – 2.18.13
Column H – 2.25.13
Column I – 3.4.13
Column J – 3.11.13
Column K – 3.18.13
Column L – 3.25.13

Can someone assist with the optimal formula, as I’ve tried ones I’ve used in the past but they aren’t working well?Project Tracker EXAMPLE.xls