I have an #error from a sumproduct formula

sheet 1 col dm ( custom format) the one with the error.

=IF(C2="","",SUMPRODUCT(('EQ Summary'!$C$4:$C$5000=$C2)*('EQ Summary'!$E$4:$E$5000=1)*('EQ Summary'!$AL$4:$AL$5000)))

c2 is a general format - example data "ASYS"

Sheet - "EQ Summary"

Summary'!$C$4:$C$5000 is general format - example data "ASYS"

'EQ Summary'!$E$4:$E$5000 is general format - example data (1,2,3)

'EQ Summary'!$AL$4:$AL$5000 is general format example data "1106559". this data here is also the result of a sumproduct formula and displays correctly.

What am i doing wrong here?