This is keerthivasan From Chennai, I face few problems in my Excel 2007, I have 5 Lakh customer's Mail ID's in Excel 2007, Using CountIF function i find the required result, then if i choose the save option, but it took more than 2 hours to save the file and then i am using sort function(more than 2 hours to sort) to the values from small to large based on the count result, then once again if i choose save option means it also took more than 2 hours to save, then based on the count i have to delete the '>1' values (E-Mail's) then once again i have to save, so again it took more than 2 hours....
I'm Totally frustrated to do this in Excel 2007, why this much time delay caused, It's too annoying for me, Kindly please help me to find a solution for this issue, Thanks in Advance. Please someone help me soon.
Thanks & Regards,