I would have to recommend you employee VBA for this.
Here's a simple User Defined Function (UDF) I created to do this easily for you. The function is used in the workbook like so:
=CountInSheets(CellwithString, ColumnNumber)
For instance: =CountInSheets(K1, 11)
This tells you how many times the value in K1 appears in column 11 in all sheets in the workbook. Here's the code:
How to install the User Defined Function:
1. Open up your workbook
2. Get into VB Editor (Press Alt+F11)
3. Insert a new module (Insert > Module)
4. Copy and Paste in your code (given above)
5. Get out of VBA (Press Alt+Q)
6. Save as a macro-enabled workbook
The function is installed and ready to use.
Now, since you want the duplicated cells to be "highlighted", I would use this new function as a Conditional Formatting formula.
1) Highlight all the sheets.
2) Highlight column K
3) Create a conditional formatting rule in that column with the color of your choosing and the formula:
=CountInSheets(K1, 11)>1
Now, all the items that appear in more than one place will highlight the color you selected. Here's your workbook back with that installed and working.