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If and then

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Smile If and then

    Hi I am trying to use the if function.

    I have the criteria from A2. then trying to make an output in B2. I was trying to make a date range in my sheet.

    so, what i have in mind it to make an output like ,"If A2 is equals to "02/01/2013, then display Week1.

    Responses will be a great help.

    Thanks! Ae

  2. #2
    Forum Guru benishiryo's Avatar
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    Re: If and then

    hi xygrax, welcome to the forum. is that date 2 jan 2013 or 1 feb 2013? assuming it's the former, then:
    so if A2 is that date, display "Week1", otherwise blank

    or if you need it to display the week of A2 & your week starts from Monday, then:

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  3. #3
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    Smile Re: If and then

    Hello, thank you for your prompt response. I really appreciate it.

    I have another concern if it's not too much to ask.

    Let say,

    I put in dates between feb 1,2013 to feb 07 in A2 then the output should say "week1" in b2
    If I put feb 8, 2013 to feb 20, it should display "week 2".
    same goes for the upcoming dates as week 3 and week 4.

    responses will be very much appreciated

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