i have a workbook that uses days of the month to analyze data, but i would like it to only analyze data for the days leading up to and including the current day. is there a function for this?
For example, if i enter in $125 in column 5 on "sheet 1" for every Wednesday of March. (this is a recurring expense)
then i enter the total daily sales in column 2 in "sheet 1" (this obviously changes daily)
on "sheet 2" of the workbook i take the total of column 5 and divide it by the total of column 2 to create a percentage of cost
I would like the formula on "sheet 2" to only use the data for the days leading up to and including today.
there are several different columns of data in "sheet 1" that get calculated in "sheet 2" to create percentages for my analysis, this is just one example and if i can figure out one of them, i can use the same for all columns.
I hope someone can understand my problem and offer a solution.
thank you