I really need to get this done as soon as possible. Any help will be greatly appreciated. I would look in seperate threads but after surfing the net for about 3 hours I cannot find anything that will help me in this situation. I am using Microsoft Excel 2010, btw.

So far I have a column A which has the firstname and Column B which has the last name of the users and i want to make a unique user name for them. I use the formula =LOWER(CONCATENATE(LEFT(A2,1),LEFT(B2,5),)) to create a username e.g. John Smith being jsmith; however there are multiple John Smiths that I need to create usernames for. Is there a way to use an IF function to tell if the username already exists and if so to add a digit, starting with 0, on to the the username making it unique, e.g. if i have 4John Smiths the usernames would be jsmith0, jsmith1, jsmith2, and jsmith3, etc...?

If there is not way to do this using a formula can someone please point me in the direction of asking the proper people?

This issue is very urgent as i need to create usernames daily and about 1500 per year in mass. The person who used to handle user name creation is no longer here, but I feel most comfortable doing this in excel.

Thank You for all your help!