I am working on a sheet where in TAB 1 I have the following formula.......
=IF(L4>0,(L4-K4)+(J4-I4)+(H4-G4), "PENDING") in column N
There are approximately 8 rows with this formula (Rows N4 - N12) and they are based on dates in and out through various departments.

On TAB 2 I want to summarize the data from TAB 1 so that if any of the data in the range N4:N30 = "PENDING" then the cell will display a 0 if True and 1 if False as below.....
=IF('TAB 2'!N4:N12="PENDING",0,1)
The issue is it keeps returning a 1 indicating false when Cell N9 does have a "PENDING" value

Thanks in advance for all your help