My excel file has one main sheet, with extra sheets for each day of the month. The file is meant to be shared and then sent back to me. On the main sheet individuals will input their information requests and it will automatically reproduce that information into the corresponding worksheet for the date.
Currently I have an extremely long (too long, too large of a file) IF function because of what I am looking for it to do. Here is a sample of my current IF formula.
=IF('Main Sheet'!$D4=DATE($K$2,$L$2,$M$2),'Main Sheet'!C4,IF('Main Sheet'!$D5=DATE($K$2,$L$2,$M$2),'Main Sheet'!C5,IF('Main Sheet'!$D6=DATE($K$2,$L$2,$M$2),'Main Sheet'!C6,"")))
I have this which goes on for 64 iterations.
If the date in D4 on the Main Sheet matches the Date calculated on a the current worksheet then it reproduces the information from the Main Sheet cell C4, but if not then it goes to the next cell (D5) on the Main Sheet and does the same thing for C5.
Any help will be extremely helpful, thank you.