Theres a sub that does this at
Copy the file to your desktop (or wherever) and then drag it into the VBA project for the workbook of interest.
From the comments in the code:
' ============================== S H E E T M A P =============================
' shg 2010-09, 2010-11, 2013-01
' Creates a sheet map to characterize the contents of each cell with a color,
' and, for non-empty cells, a two-character code
' Color:
' Dark Grey Empty
' Light Grey Formula
' Yellow A number or date stored as text
' Red An error
' White None of the above
' First character => formula or literal:
' L A literal
' F A formula
' < A formula the same as that at left
' ^ A formula the same as that above
' + A formula the same as those above and left
' Second character => type of value:
' $ String ' from the type declaration character
' @ Currency ' from the type declaration character
' # Double ' from the type declaration character
' D Date
' E Error
The code runs on the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+M (think "Conveniently Show Map")