Hello all and greetings as I'm new. I have a question concerning conditional formulas in my excel program. Its supposed to be a fairly simple program to output a heating degree day(HDD) value (=65-average temperature for that day) if a day's temperature is below 65 degrees and a zero for the adjacent cell for the cooling degree day value and vice versa (meaning output a cooling degree day (CDD) if the day's average is greater than 65 degrees. If the cell designating average temp is blank then both HDD and CDD cells should be blank (""). As per my attached excel sheet I keep getting a #VALUE! error for CDD cells when the average is blank. The formula in question is over the G column =IF(E12>$A$1,E12-$A$1,IF(E12="","",0)). These conditional formulas are logic based, and my formulas make logical sense to me. I've read mine over 1000 times literally before I decided to post my question here and thats the most frustrating part. Please help. Thanks *100.
Degree Days.xlsx