Hi Guys
I have really complex situation would appreciate your help. In column “A” some values are repeated several times. And column “B” values could be different for each repeated value. Is there any way I can put a formula in column “C” based on below 3 conditions for example if cell A10,A11&A12 have duplicate values:
Condition1: B10,B11&B12 has values between 1 to 3. C10,C11&C12 should all show “YES”.
Condition2: B10,B11&B12 has values between 4 to 11. C10,C11&C12 should all show “NO”.
Condition3: B10,B11&B12 has values between both sets(1 to 3 & 4 to 11). C10,C11&C12 should all show “NO”.
Example file is attached