I am pulling information into one sheet from another...the trouble I am having is that Sheet 1 has first and last name is two different columns and I need both first and last name to be combined into one cell in sheet 2 by a shared identifier.
for example:
Book 1
1 100 John Smith
2 101 Frank Smith
3 102 Jim Smith
Book 2
1 100 John Smith
2 101 Frank Smith
3 102 Jim Smith
Here is an example of the formula I would normally use : =VLOOKUP(A1, [Book2]Sheet1!$A$1:$C$3, 2, FALSE)
I want to include the info from column B & C (so instead of just "2" - like "2&3") and come back with first and last name (with a space inbetween) to fill into B1 in Book2
I am a begginer to excel formulas, so any help would be greatly appreciated...