Hello - I've been looking through many posts and have gotten some great information, but can't seem to fix my formula. I have a SUMIF formula that works well, but when I filter on another column, the formula does not disregard the hidden cells. It continues to calculate based on all the cells. Please help!
Here is the formula. Column F is the type of work being performed. Column D is the amount of hours spent working in that category. This part is currently working as designed. However, I have another column that contains the department name - this is what I would like to filter by and obtain a subtotal for.
=SUMIF(Table!$F$2:$F$46,"Enhancement Spec",Table!$D$2:$D$46)+SUMIF(Table!$F$2:$F$46,"Enhancement Investigation",Table!$D$2:$D$46)
Any help is appreciated! Thanks!