Hi all. I work a decent amount with Index Match formulas and I'm really stumped on this one. I have a colum with each cell containing a simple formula that displays the number 1 if the value to the right of the cell is greater than zero or displays 0 if the cell to the right is "". The result of this formula in the column is that I have a count of each cell with a number value in it and ecentially skipping over the cells without a number value and resuming the count when numbers show back up.
My question is related to another sheet that is using an Index-Match formula to match numbers 1-3000 or so accross columns (attached is only portion of this sheet) to the numbers mentioned above. I cannot get this formula to work: =INDEX($N$2:$N$43,MATCH(T2,$O$2:$O$43),0). I'm sure it has to do with the formula I have in the "Match" colum with contains both numbers and zeros. My understanding of this formula is obviously incorrect in that is seems to me that it should look for the value I am specifing and skip over zeros to find it in the rainge I've specified. The value this formla is giving me is simply blank.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Attached is the file.