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How can i permanently reference an Item in a dropdown list, even when it is not selected?

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    How can i permanently reference an Item in a dropdown list, even when it is not selected?

    I am new to the forum so please forgive any mistakes/lack of information. I have pretty decent knowledge with Excel but not where it should be. I greatly appreciate any help with this, as i am stumped.

    General Description:
    The sheet that I am working with is used to quote injection mold tools (big blocks of steel that create plastic parts). I have a dropdown list with the items: Simple, Default, Complex. These items are selected on how complex the tool will be to build/design, therefore giving me a different price for a paticular tool, based on complexity.

    In my notes section i always list the price given for Simple, Default, and Complex and then average all 3 for a middle of the road price. To this point i have been doing this manually but would like to automate it so that there is less room for error and also more time efficient.

    Detailed Description:
    Attached is a screenshot of my sheet that should include everything needed to reference. The arrows are traced dependents. In case it is hard to see, cell K25 is dependent on cell D20 (dropdown list referenced earlier) and the 'comlexity' range in column K. The list '0.75, 1.00, 1.25' is used for Simple, Default, Complex, respectively. Not shown but in cell D50 is my total tool cost that changes as the complexity is changed. Cell D50 uses the function =SUM(D33+D37+D45). What I need is for cells G38:G40 to populate according to the complexity and not be changed as i change the selected item in the dropdown list. I realize i could chang this sheet and easily achieve this but i need all listed items to reference for a breakdown of the total cost.

    I hope this is a good explanation of what i am looking for. I appreciate everyones help!
    Last edited by kyle-ops; 02-16-2013 at 10:52 PM. Reason: Jeffreybrown has provided a solution

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