I am comparing data from two different software systems that contain employee names. Each system has a different convention on how names are entered and listed on the reports. First report (A) lists names "first,mi,last,suffix", second report (B) lists names "last, suffix, first, mi".

For example; Jane E. Doe-Martin M.D. is an employee. She recently got married so she added Martin to her original name.

System A lists here name as "jane, h, doe, md",
System B lists here name as "doemartin, md, janee".

Each name is provided by the employee, and entered by someone else often at different times so it's common for the names to be different, slightly mispelled, not updated to reflect name changes, etc. This makes reconciling transactions between the two systems very challenging. Multiply this by 30,000 employee records I have to reconcile regularly and it's obvious that someone is working lots of extra hours, namely me.

I've had limited success parsing out the names and using the LEFT function in a variety of ways to match names between the two systems. However, I notice that Excel 2010 has this search feature that searches on any fragment of the word. Excel Search.png

Does excel have a similar function that will enable me to comare records?

Thanks in advance!