What is the correct formula for satisfying multiple criteria in "IF" statements ie; two conditions are to be met before returning designated result data?
eg; =IF(C4>T5ANDF7=D9,A12*I24,0)
What is the correct formula for satisfying multiple criteria in "IF" statements ie; two conditions are to be met before returning designated result data?
eg; =IF(C4>T5ANDF7=D9,A12*I24,0)
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worked perfectly.......Much appreciated
Ok the below formula is working well, however I now need to add an independent formula "SUM(A4,B4)/2*M4" to the same cell to return either or both results, can I do this? =IF(AND(AJ12=TRUE,AH12=Data!$K$3),Data!L3,IF(AND(AJ12=TRUE,AH12=Data!$K$4),Data!L4,IF(AND(AJ12=TRUE,AH12=Data!$K$5),Data!L5,IF(AND(AJ12=TRUE,AH12=Data!$K$6),Data!L6,IF(AND(AJ12=TRUE,AH12=Data!$K$7),Data!L7,IF(AND(AJ12=TRUE,AH12=Data!$K$8),Data!L8,IF(AND(AJ12=TRUE,AH12=Data!$K$9),Data!L9,IF(AND(AJ12=TRUE,AH12=Data!$K$10),Data!L10,IF(AND(AJ12=TRUE,AH12=Data!$K$11),Data!L11,IF(AND(AJ12=TRUE,AH12=Data!$K$12),Data!L12,IF(AND(AJ12=TRUE,AH12=Data!$K$13),Data!L13,IF(AND(AJ12=TRUE,AH12=Data!$K$14),Data!L14,""))))))))))))+IF(AND(AJ12=TRUE,AI12=Data!$K$3),Data!L3,IF(AND(AJ12=TRUE,AI12=Data!$K$4),Data!L4,IF(AND(AJ12=TRUE,AI12=Data!$K$5),Data!L5,IF(AND(AJ12=TRUE,AI12=Data!$K$6),Data!L6,IF(AND(AJ12=TRUE,AI12=Data!$K$7),Data!L7,IF(AND(AJ12=TRUE,AI12=Data!$K$8),Data!L8,IF(AND(AJ12=TRUE,AI12=Data!$K$9),Data!L9,IF(AND(AJ12=TRUE,AI12=Data!$K$10),Data!L10,IF(AND(AJ12=TRUE,AI12=Data!$K$11),Data!L11,IF(AND(AJ12=TRUE,AI12=Data!$K$12),Data!L12,IF(AND(AJ12=TRUE,AI12=Data!$K$13),Data!L13,IF(AND(AJ12=TRUE,AI12=Data!$K$14),Data!L14,""))))))))))))
Hensgen, if this is the same question as what you are asking in this thread....
Then please do not post duplicate questions
duplicate post deleted
Last edited by FDibbins; 02-11-2013 at 05:14 PM.
it is, sorry just learning the whole Forum thing...
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