Hi there,
Thanks for taking the time to look at and possibly answer my question!
I need some help formatting my spreadsheet.
Attached is an edited version of the spreadsheet.
What I would like to happen is the following;
Column “H” has the due date for payment of an invoice. To flag this to the attention of accounts, I would like the cells to change colour when the invoice is 1-20 days until due, 10 days from due and overdue.
The cells in column “H” already have the formula “=SUM(E2+30)”, as column “E” has the job completion date, and invoice payments are due 30 days after.
I understand that I’d need to use conditional formatting for this, but the instructions I’ve found online don’t correspond with my Excel 2010.
So, when an invoice is 30-11 days until payment due, I would like the cell to be green, when an invoice is 11-2 days until payment due, I would like to cell to be orange, and when an invoice is 1 day before it’s due date or after I would like the cell to be red.
I know there is probably a very simple formula or answer but I cannot seem to do it for the life of me!
In addition to this, when a date is added in the “Paid” column “I”, I would like the entire ROW to become BOLD and the coloured cell in column “H” to have no more fill colour.
Phew, not an easy feat I know!
I’m looking to learn how to do things like this myself, not just have people do them for me, so any explanations are welcome!
Thanks again,