Glad you were able to solve it yourself - better than me just handing you the solution. A bit more background to help you with the next part:

The way Excel stores dates internally is as a serial number measured from some reference date (1st Jan 1900). Hence they are just integers to Excel. Times are stored as fractions of a 24-hour day, so 12 noon is actually 0.5, 6:00pm is 0.75 etc. This means that times are always fractions, and a date/time value is made up of an integer part which represents the date and a fractional part which represents the time.

The function INT returns the integer part of a real number (i.e. the date, which you can see in the formula is then compared with I2 and I3 in turn, which is where you have put the start and end dates).

The function MOD returns the remainder after division, and in the formula I have used a divisor of 1, so MOD(number,1) returns the fractional part of the number, which I've said above equates to the time part of a date/time value. This is compared with E16 which contains a time and with E16+1/24, i.e. one hour later.

So, can you see now which part(s) you need to remove?

Hope this helps.
