2-1 AD test.xlsm
Need to fill in sheet 1 col P (CODE#) and col Q (COST)
use sheet 1 col V value & col W value
to search sheet 2, and return text for sheet 1 col P
sheet 1 col V must match sheet 2 col E
sheet 1 col W value must be >= sheet 2 col F & <= col G.

I thought I could use 2 formulas
COST col Q =VLOOKUP(P2,'code list'!H:I,2,FALSE)

I know the VLOOKUP will give me col W (the price) but col V (the term)isn't unique on sheet 2
I think I've got multiple problems, and I think maybe I need to use MATCH for col V
I need the formula to return the 'CODE#' from sheet 2.
I've tried multiple variations with this:
=_______(AND(W2>=VLOOKUP(V2,'code list'!E:F,2,FALSE),W2<=VLOOKUP(V2,'code list'!E:G,3,FALSE)),_______)