
I am a moderate user of MS excel, currently I use MS Excel 2013.

Currently I work on a large database of insured policies.

My problem details:

Currently I am trying to identify and then filter those people who are the insurers of other people. Our company is oriented on a corporate segment and thus insurers ar considered people who are the employees of a specific firm, and other members of family insured persons...

So I am trying to identify those insurers. but the problem is that fro example these employees started their insurance period in 01/10/2012 or 01/11/2012, and for example insured one of their members in 01/10/2012 , 01/11/2012 or 01/12/2012, What I am going to try is to identify those employees which have insured at least one of their member in 01/12/2012.

I was trying to add ID number of those employees to their insured family members, than using vlookup function, finding by employee ID number if any of the insured member's insurance starting date equals to 01/12/2012 date. This method partially works, but vlookup finds the first matched value, but I am trying to make it equal to any value.

Is here any other solution or function? please help, I need it so much...

I attached Excel file including the example of my database and what I was trying to do....

FILE: example.xlsx