I have a worksheet containing columns with data that is editable by the user and unlocked, and other columns with cells that contain formulas that are locked. It is important to be able to sort, filter, & expand the display results in these locked cells via the Auto Filter drown down menu. With the columns that have locked data, the only cell unlocked is the header cell that contains the drop down icon for the filter command.
When I protect the subject sheet, I check the following boxes:
Select locked cells
Select unlocked cells
Use AutoFilter
Yet after applying the protection, when I try to filter data in any column, whether the range contains unlocked or locked cells regardless, I get the error preventing me from making changes because the sheet is protected. I can only get this to work if all data ranges that I want the capability to be filtered are unlocked, thus exposing these cells to changes or deletions of formulas.
Any way to enable filtering for locked cells on a protected sheet?