I want the current formula to sum everything that does not have *U.S. Treasury* in it. I need the SEARCH function in it to search for the alpha characters.
SUMPRODUCT(--(E3:E782),--(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("*U.S. Treasury*",D3:D782))))
I want the current formula to sum everything that does not have *U.S. Treasury* in it. I need the SEARCH function in it to search for the alpha characters.
SUMPRODUCT(--(E3:E782),--(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("*U.S. Treasury*",D3:D782))))
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Do you mean?
=SUMPRODUCT(--(NOT(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("*U.S. Treasury*",D3:D782)))),E3:E782)
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You don't need the * wildcards. SEARCH already looks for a substring.
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which can also be done with SUMIF by using those wildcards:
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How can I add to this formula? I don't want *Fed* to be summed either.
I assume you're using Excel 2007 or later, in which case:
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For earlier versions, use this adpatation of Colin's formula
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