New to the forum, first post, so forgive me if I don't have the etiquette quite right :-)

I am trying to do inventory control. I have the following entered into a spreadsheet:

A is the date
B is the room in which the product is to be used
C is the individual who requisitioned the item
D is the name of the item
E is how many of the item
F is a list of all products
G is a list of the cost of each unit of each product.

Date Room Who What How many Item Unit cost
12/3/12 ** bill Traps 4 A/W Tips 0.19
11/28/12 Dark Room bill Pan dup film 1 Alginate 11.09
11/28/12 Dark Room bill pan film 1 Amalgam Kit (Disposal ?) 146.00
11/13/12 Denture Karen Kromopan 1 Anterior triple trays 1.47
12/11/12 Denture Mike Kromopan 2 Articulating paper - xthin blue strips 1.56
9/19/12 Develop mike Duplicating film 1 box Base plate wax 0.50
9/21/12 Develop Mike Snippets 1 Bibs 0.06
10/18/12 JR/MS tim Monophase 1 Bibs - Rose 0.06
10/23/12 JR/MS bill Large gloves 1 Birex 4.13
10/30/12 JR/MS Dave JR gloves 1 Bite rims 0.72
11/5/12 JR/MS bill Optibond Solo 5 Bite sticks for panorex 0.50
11/5/12 JR/MS bill Etch 1 Bitewing tabs 0.02

Here is what I would like to do:
I want the item in D to have the value of that item from G automatically pop up beside it. I can insert another column between D and E for this. Then I want to multiply the value by the number of units, thus giving me an overall cost for that particular line.

Someone tried to help me on another forum, and I tried his formula, but can't get it to work. It was this: =IFERROR(VLOOKUP(A2, Sheet2!$A$2:$B$235, 6, FALSE), ""), but the columns were different, so the A2 and B235 will need to be changed, I'm guessing to F2 and G235, but I am the one asking for your help, so you tell me.

Once I am able to do this, I plan to break the data down into subsets by date, by room, by employee, etc., to generate many different reports, so typing all of this in by hand would be extensively time consuming and prone to data entry error, so if you can help me, you will have my utmost gratitude.

Thank you very much,

Mike Rice,
Johnstown, PA