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Formula for decreasing value.

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omnifold Formula for decreasing value. 01-21-2013, 10:53 PM
dredwolf Re: Formula for decreasing... 01-21-2013, 11:00 PM
omnifold Re: Formula for decreasing... 01-21-2013, 11:09 PM
dredwolf Re: Formula for decreasing... 01-22-2013, 02:10 AM
omnifold Re: Formula for decreasing... 01-22-2013, 03:13 AM
dredwolf Re: Formula for decreasing... 01-22-2013, 03:18 AM
dredwolf Re: Formula for decreasing... 01-22-2013, 06:53 AM
omnifold Re: Formula for decreasing... 01-22-2013, 01:06 PM
dredwolf Re: Formula for decreasing... 01-22-2013, 03:01 PM
dredwolf Re: Formula for decreasing... 01-22-2013, 03:16 PM
  1. #1
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    Formula for decreasing value.

    Here is my problem. I want to know how many boards I can get out of a piece of wood.

    I have a length that is 192 inches.

    What I need to do is cut single boards that start with board 1 at 8 inches wide and each board after descreases by .5 inch.
    so I would have

    board 1 8" wide
    board 2 7.5" wide
    board 3 7" wide

    and so on. But I would like to know how many I can get. This way I can change the .5 inch width to something else.


  2. #2
    Forum Expert dredwolf's Avatar
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    Re: Formula for decreasing value.

    do you mean it starts at 8" LONG and the length decreases by 1/2 inch ?
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    Re: Formula for decreasing value.


  4. #4
    Forum Expert dredwolf's Avatar
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    Re: Formula for decreasing value.

    Sorry for taking so long to get back

    Could not figure out a single formula solution, but maybe this will work for you :omnifold.sol1.xlsx

    Hope this helps

  5. #5
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    Re: Formula for decreasing value.

    Thats about what I came up with. That works. I just wanted one like loan payment formula. Another problem I am running into is

    If the board is 100 feet in length and I start with an 8" piece and take off a 1/2" on each cut I will not use the whole length of the board. What I would like is where I can cut so many 8" inch pieces then start cutting 7.5" pieces and so on.

    so maybe there will be 5 of each of the different cuts.

    Thanks so much so far.

  6. #6
    Forum Expert dredwolf's Avatar
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    Re: Formula for decreasing value.

    Sorry---was adding the saw curf, not subtracting..

    Revised : omnifold.sol2.xlsx

  7. #7
    Forum Expert dredwolf's Avatar
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    Re: Formula for decreasing value.

    Okay, Try this UDF solution, will work for both scenarios
    Function CutBoard(StrtLeng, FrstCutLeng, CutIncr, Optional NumCutsPer, Optional IncldCurf, Optional CurfSz, Optional ReturnOpt)
        Dim LengthRemain, LastCut, NewCutLen
        Dim i, TotalCuts As Integer
        Dim ErrMess As String
        Dim EXIT_FLAG As Boolean
        If IsMissing(NumCutsPer) Then NumCutsPer = 1
        If IsMissing(IncldCurf) Then IncldCurf = 0
        If IsMissing(CurfSz) Then CurfSz = 1 / 8
        If IsMissing(ReturnOpt) Then ReturnOpt = 0
        ErrMess = ""
        If StrtLeng <= 0 Then
            ErrMess = "Invalid Starting Length"
        ElseIf FrstCutLeng <= 0 Or FrstCutLen > StrtLeng Then
            ErrMess = "Invalid First Cut Length"
        ElseIf CutIncr <= 0 Or CutIncr > FrstCutLeng Then
            ErrMess = "Invalid Cut Increment"
        ElseIf NumCutsPer < 1 Then
            ErrMess = "Cuts per cut length MUST be at Least 1"
        ElseIf IncldCurf <> 1 And IncldCurf <> 0 Then
            ErrMess = "Include Curf is not 1 or 0"
        ElseIf ReturnOpt < 0 Or ReturnOpt > 3 Then
            ErrMess = "Return Option MUST be 0,1,2 or 3"
        End If
        If ErrMess <> "" Then
            CutBoard = ErrMess
            Exit Function
        End If
        EXIT_FLAG = False
        TotalCuts = 0
        LengthRemain = StrtLeng
        NewCutLen = FrstCutLeng
        While LengthRemain > 0 And NewCutLen > 0 And EXIT_FLAG = False
            LastCut = NewCutLen
            If LengthRemain - (NewCutLen * NumCutsPer) > 0 Then
                LengthRemain = LengthRemain - (NewCutLen * NumCutsPer) - (IncldCurf * CurfSz * NumCutsPer)
                NewCutLen = NewCutLen - CutIncr
                TotalCuts = TotalCuts + NumCutsPer
                EXIT_FLAG = True
                For i = 1 To NumCutsPer
                    If LengthRemain - NewCutLen > 0 Then
                        LengthRemain = LengthRemain - NewCutLen - (IncldCurf * CurfSz)
                        TotalCuts = TotalCuts + 1
                    End If
                Next i
            End If
        Select Case ReturnOpt
            Case 0
                CutBoard = TotalCuts
            Case 1
                CutBoard = LengthRemain
            Case 2
                CutBoard = LastCut
            Case 3
                CutBoard = "Total cuts : " & TotalCuts & " Last Cut Was : " & LastCut & " Length Remaining : " & LengthRemain
        End Select
    End Function
    to use, allow Macros,open VBA editor (Alt-F11), Insert Module, Copy & paste above into the module,save close editor

    Parameters are
    StrtLeng, FrstCutLeng, CutIncr, Optional NumCutsPer, Optional IncldCurf, Optional CurfSz, Optional ReturnOpt
    StrtLeng - Starting length of your board, in decimal inches (ie 100 1/2 inches = 100.5)
    FrstCutLeng - Length of your first cut(s) in decimal inches
    CutIncr - length to decrease cut length by in decimal inches
    NumCutsPer (Optional) - how many cuts to make at each Length (defaults to 1)
    IncldCurf (Optional) - 1 = include saw curf,0 = don't include saw curf (defaults to 0)
    CurfSz (Optional) - size of the saw blade curf in decimal inches (defaults to 0.125 (1/8"))
    ReturnOptions (optional) 0- Total number of cuts made, 1- length of board left (if any) after as many cuts can be made using first 4 parameters, 2- the length of the last cut, in decimal inches, 3- a brief text summary of options 1,2&3 (defaults to 0)

    See attachment for examples

    Hope this helps
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  8. #8
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    Re: Formula for decreasing value.

    Thanks you so much for the time spent. The unkown is the cuts per length. That is what I really want.

    So if the length is 192 and cuts per length = 1 it will give me 50cuts.
    2 errors
    1 is if I double the 192 and make it 386 and keep the cuts per length =1 it still returns 50 cuts
    2nd error is if i take the cuts per length = 2.5 the cuts will remain 8 inches

  9. #9
    Forum Expert dredwolf's Avatar
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    Re: Formula for decreasing value.

    1) if you run out of decreases, doubling the starting board length wont increase the number of cuts, it will just increase the amount of board you have left at the end of the sequence of cuts
    2) as for 2.5 cuts per lenth...how would you accomplish this? I have never been able to do it with my saw ! the number of cuts is supposed to be an integer, ( the display using the helper columns assumed an integer # of cuts, so you keep seeing 8"(I left it in for error checking the UDF)), however, this did point out a flaw in the logic of the UDF as well --- I did not check for that !!!
    Function CutBoard(StrtLeng, FrstCutLeng, CutIncr, Optional NumCutsPer, Optional IncldCurf, Optional CurfSz, Optional ReturnOpt)
        Dim LengthRemain, LastCut, NewCutLen
        Dim i, TotalCuts, CutsPer As Long
        Dim ErrMess As String
        Dim EXIT_FLAG As Boolean
        If IsMissing(NumCutsPer) Then NumCutsPer = 1
        If IsMissing(IncldCurf) Then IncldCurf = 0
        If IsMissing(CurfSz) Then CurfSz = 1 / 8
        If IsMissing(ReturnOpt) Then ReturnOpt = 0
        If IsMissing(ForceCutsPerInt) Then ForceCutsPerInt = True
        CutsPer = NumCutsPer
        ErrMess = ""
        If StrtLeng <= 0 Then
            ErrMess = "Invalid Starting Length"
        ElseIf FrstCutLeng <= 0 Or FrstCutLen > StrtLeng Then
            ErrMess = "Invalid First Cut Length"
        ElseIf CutIncr <= 0 Or CutIncr > FrstCutLeng Then
            ErrMess = "Invalid Cut Increment"
        ElseIf CutsPer < 1 Or CutsPer - CLng(NumCutsPer) > 0 Then
            ErrMess = "Cuts per cut length MUST be at Least 1"
        ElseIf IncldCurf <> 1 And IncldCurf <> 0 Then
            ErrMess = "Include Curf is not 1 or 0"
        ElseIf ReturnOpt < 0 Or ReturnOpt > 3 Then
            ErrMess = "Return Option MUST be 0,1,2 or 3"
        End If
        If ErrMess <> "" Then
            CutBoard = ErrMess
            Exit Function
        End If
        EXIT_FLAG = False
        TotalCuts = 0
        LengthRemain = StrtLeng
        NewCutLen = FrstCutLeng
        While LengthRemain > 0 And NewCutLen > 0 And EXIT_FLAG = False
            LastCut = NewCutLen
            If LengthRemain - (NewCutLen * NumCutsPer) > 0 Then
                LengthRemain = LengthRemain - (NewCutLen * CutsPer) - (IncldCurf * CurfSz * CutsPer)
                NewCutLen = NewCutLen - CutIncr
                TotalCuts = TotalCuts + CutsPer
                EXIT_FLAG = True
                For i = 1 To CutsPer
                    If LengthRemain - NewCutLen > 0 Then
                        LengthRemain = LengthRemain - NewCutLen - (IncldCurf * CurfSz)
                        TotalCuts = TotalCuts + 1
                    End If
                Next i
            End If
        Select Case ReturnOpt
            Case 0
                CutBoard = TotalCuts
            Case 1
                CutBoard = LengthRemain
            Case 2
                CutBoard = LastCut
            Case 3
                CutBoard = "Total cuts : " & TotalCuts & " Last Cut Was : " & LastCut & " Length Remaining : " & LengthRemain
        End Select
    End Function
    new code forces the number of cuts to an integr value, and I updated the Formula version as well to display interim results properly
    Same Parameters as before

    Hope this helps

  10. #10
    Forum Expert dredwolf's Avatar
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    Re: Formula for decreasing value.

    Forgot the example , then I couldn't get back on!
    Anyways, here''s the example

    Remmeber, the UDF is displaying its results in Column I, the results returned in columns D,E and F are all from Excel Functions alone, just to visualize the What the UDF is doing
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    Last edited by dredwolf; 01-22-2013 at 03:19 PM.

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