Okay, Try this UDF solution, will work for both scenarios 
to use, allow Macros,open VBA editor (Alt-F11), Insert Module, Copy & paste above into the module,save close editor
Parameters are
StrtLeng, FrstCutLeng, CutIncr, Optional NumCutsPer, Optional IncldCurf, Optional CurfSz, Optional ReturnOpt
StrtLeng - Starting length of your board, in decimal inches (ie 100 1/2 inches = 100.5)
FrstCutLeng - Length of your first cut(s) in decimal inches
CutIncr - length to decrease cut length by in decimal inches
NumCutsPer (Optional) - how many cuts to make at each Length (defaults to 1)
IncldCurf (Optional) - 1 = include saw curf,0 = don't include saw curf (defaults to 0)
CurfSz (Optional) - size of the saw blade curf in decimal inches (defaults to 0.125 (1/8"))
ReturnOptions (optional) 0- Total number of cuts made, 1- length of board left (if any) after as many cuts can be made using first 4 parameters, 2- the length of the last cut, in decimal inches, 3- a brief text summary of options 1,2&3 (defaults to 0)
See attachment for examples
Hope this helps