Since you indicated that the text length can be variable...
Using your posted workbook...
The numeric component:
E2: =TRIM(MID(C2,MIN(INDEX(FIND({0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9},C2&"0123456789"),0)),LEN(C2)))
the text values:
The last 3 digits
The digits preceding the last 3 digits
Copy those formulas down through Row_9
These will be the results:
EANENE10316080 EANENE 10316080 080 10316
EANENE10316080 EANENE 10316080 080 10316
EANENE10316080 EANENE 10316080 080 10316
EANENE10316080 EANENE 10316080 080 10316
EANENE10316080 EANENE 10316080 080 10316
EANENE10322083 EANENE 10322083 083 10322
EANENE10322083 EANENE 10322083 083 10322
DPDPDP00265081 DPDPDP 00265081 081 00265
Note: the Col_C values have many trailing spaces.
Is that something you can work with?