Dear forum,
I am a beginner at creating excel Formulas, so i have an issue creating a data validation cell.
I want to create a data validation cell that can contain values from multiple worksheets:
The background is that I am creating a summary page, in where I want to be able to choose between different data from multiple worksheets (where the layout is the same but with different figures). These worksheets will contain prices on multiple Products from multiple vendors and in the summary page I will compare these and therefore I want to be able to easily swich from one vendor's price to another's.
The way I am trying to accomplish this is by creating a data validation cell, allowing a list with the source: "='Data sheet 1'!$C$8, 'Data sheet 2'!$C$8, 'Data sheet 3'!$C$8"
But this only returns error messages. It works perfect if i have all the data pasted into the same worksheet and the source looks like this: "='Data sheet 1'!$C$8:$E$8"
Does anyone know how to solve this? The issue is that the data sheets will contain a lot of data, and it will be a mess if I should have to copy all the data into one sheet, especially if some of the data should change.
I have attached an example of a mockup I made:example.PNG
Very thankful for advice! // Zimmermann