
I'm trying to do a lookup. User will enter an account number which can be all numerica or alpha numeric. I then need to do a lookup to a large table based on their entry. When the lookup finds a match in A:A of the table, I need it to return the value in column N.

The table can contain multiple instances of the account number, but the value in column N will always be the same.......so all I really need Excel to do is fine the first instance of the account number, and return the value in column N of that field.

I've tried using =LOOKUP(C1,'Sheet1'!A:A,'Sheet1'!N:N) The result is inconsistant and not always correct. I've tried sorting my table by Column A, I've tried formatting the field as number, text, general....it remains inconsistant.

Is there another formula to find and return the information in Column N that I need, or am I just doing something wrong? I've used Lookups quite a bit, but Excel sometimes gets tempermental with them.
